Sunday, July 6, 2014

Power in Prayer

I truly believe in Power in prayer. This was our sermon today at church and it was very powerful to me. We studied acts, when King Herod killed James and put Peter in Jail and this entire time the church prayed. As Peter lay in Jail in chains, the angels appeared and released Peter. 

Jason and I are very familiar with Power in Prayer and are true believers that without prayer, we can't ask for guidance, strength, vision, and of course answers. We are blessed with our faith in our Lord.

In the almost 11 years that Jason and I have been married we have relied on prayer as a way to guide us on where we should go and answers as parents. He always seems to be listening and I realized this morning what a true blessing that is. You see there are people that go through life one, not praying and if they do they ask "Why is he not listening or why didn't he answer my prayers". I don't have the answer to this, I just know that God's hand is why we are back in Texas. 

When Jason and I began to discuss moving back to Texas, there were a lot of decisions to make and even more questions. We decided to pray and if it was meant to be he would lead us to where we should be. 

Here we are...


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